Youth Ministry

Young Adults @ Third


We strive to be an intergenerational ministry that connects youth with the community of believers, a relevant ministry that is sensitive to today’s culture while grounded on Christ and his Word. We also want to be a servant-hearted ministry that serves each other and the community in this part of God’s kingdom.

We use a relational model of our Youth Ministry.  Youth will be known, accepted, loved, and discipled in their faith through their relationships with the adult leaders and the church body so that they are assured they are a vital part of the Christian community.  Statistics have shown that what youth love about their church is being known and being needed.  Our goal is that every youth will be known, and together we will work at encouraging them with actvitities that use and develop their gifts. 

From September to May, Faith Formation classes are held for students in Grades 6-12 from 10:45-11:30am.  Over the course of these years the students learn about relationships, church history, ethics, and church doctrines, all with a view to helping them better understand the Christian faith and encouraging then to embrace this faith for themselves.

High school students are each paired with a mentor from the congregation that meets with them 7-9 times a year.  Together they explore what it means to be a disciple.  Mentors and Students visit another church together to get a glimpse of how other churches worship, to discover what we can learn from the way they worship, and to learn what makes Third Church unique in the way we worship God together.

Youth Group Programs


We also offer the following programs for Middle and High School students:

LIFT (Living in Faith Together) – Grades 7-8

We are about growing in faith through fellowship and fun!  We meet twice a month on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 p.m.  Through worship, games, laughter, and discussion you have the chance to connect with each other and with Jesus.  Other opportunities include a weekend service retreat called Mission Mania, bowling, and other fun activities.

ELEMENT – High School

We meet three times a month, Sundays from 5:00-7:00 p.m. for a time of connecting with each other and with Christ.  Other opportunities include Chicago SERVE, retreats, mission trips, and a variety of other events.